A Journey We Didn't Plan

As difficult as it is to imagine, two weeks remain in this school year! To say that 2020 has not gone to plan is understating the obvious.
As he wisely identified at the time: “Not all gifts come in shiny packages. . . Some gifts come wrapped in ugly brown paper without a ribbon, and it is difficult to even see them as a gift at first.”
As we reflect on this period of school closure we might ask ourselves:
  • What were those gifts ‘that came wrapped in ugly brown paper without a ribbon’?
  • Who was on the journey with us for which we are grateful?
  • What were the lessons that March, April, May and June provided?
Each of us has been affected in different and unknown ways by COVID. During these remaining days of the school year may we continue to look out for one another and support each other. May we continue to give each other the benefit of good intentions and may we stop and thank those who have been on the journey with us.